Photographicon is the artistic persona of Dominic Search, a London-based freelance photographer specialising in the art of events, youth music, festivals, gigs, and shows. Whether on commission or leisure, Dominic's work aims to capture the immediacy, vibrancy, and atmosphere of the shoot - to recreate the sense of being there at the unfolding of a story.

This web gallery is a specialist stock image library - a collection comprised of over 6,000 digital images mainly taken since 2004 - an archive documenting contemporary British subculture, with particular focus on:

  • Underground electronic dance music, especially Psychedelic Trance (Psytrance), Psychedelic Ambient (Psybient), and Psychedelic Breakbeat (Psybreaks). These are amongst the most vibrant immersive events full of colour, decoration, and multimedia.
  • Folk-rock funk-jazztical artfully-anarcho festivals and gatherings, as exemplified by Lost Vagueness, Secret Garden Party, and the creative side of Glastonbury Festival.
  • Environmental shows such as Big Green Gathering and Kingston Green Fair which demonstrate by example some of the practical ways to sustainably live with fun.

Dominic has been a regular house photographer for some of the key events within these subcultures: The Synergy Project (aka Luminopolis), Glade Festival, Twisted Records events, Big Green Gathering, Kingston Green Fair, as well as working many other gigs and festivals.

For an introductory tour, visit the portfolio albums.

The archive also contains more general faces and places that have caught Dominic's eye over the years, and by no means all of it is online. If you like what you see and want to use these images, please do get in contact.


Dominic Search